Cube Test: In this test chque a compressive strength of concrete. Take a cube mould which dimentions are 150 mm×150 mm×150 mm (l×b×h) symultenouly. Also used a tamping rod of 16mm dia.Before the filling of cube mould apply the oil in the internal surface prolerly by which mould open eayly and surface be come smooth. On the cube writedown the casting date, grid number, footings, columns, beams, or slab. After 12 hours remove from mould and sink in quring pond. Generly we are cast 6 cubes, 3 cubes test after 7 days and 3 cubes test at 28 days. If you can test at 14 days then need to be cast of 9 cubes. In each test take 3 cubes and consider avrage value of all 3rd.After 7 days concrete cubes dry prolerly in the persence of sun. Weight the cube one by one and writedown. The each weight of concrete cube not less than 8.1 kg. How we proove that the weight of concrete cube should not be less than 8.1 kg. Given dimentions of cube are length =150mm=0.15m, width=150mm=0.15m, de...
It is the civil engineering educational blog. We are provide here knowledge about Civil Engineering and building construction. Explanation of Structural Drawings, Architectural Drawings, Footings layout plan, Foundation Plan, Columns Schedule, Excavation of footings, Footings, Columns, Slab, Beam Reinforcements, Casting of Footings,Columns, Beam, Slab, Brick Work, Block Work, BBS Making, Making of R. A. Bill, Cutting length of ties/stirrup/ring, Stone masonry work, Plaster and finish work.