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Showing posts from January, 2022

Compressive strength test of concrete by cube test

Cube Test: In this test chque a compressive strength of concrete. Take a cube mould which dimentions are 150 mm×150 mm×150 mm (l×b×h) symultenouly.  Also used a tamping rod of 16mm dia.Before the filling of cube mould apply the oil in the internal surface prolerly by which mould open eayly and surface be come smooth. On the cube writedown the casting date, grid number, footings, columns, beams, or slab.  After 12 hours remove from mould and sink in quring pond. Generly we are cast 6 cubes, 3 cubes test after 7 days and 3 cubes test at 28 days. If you can test at 14 days then need to be cast of 9 cubes. In each test take 3 cubes and consider avrage value of all 3rd.After 7 days concrete cubes dry prolerly in the persence of sun.  Weight the cube one by one and writedown. The each weight of concrete cube not less than 8.1 kg. How we proove that the weight of concrete cube should not be less than 8.1 kg. Given dimentions of cube are length =150mm=0.15m, width=150mm=0.15m, depth=150mm=0.15

What is beam? Types of beam? How to reinforcements of beam?

Beam: Beam is a horizontal structural member spacing and distance between one or more supports and carrying vertical loads across its longitudinal axis.  Types of bean: Beams are mainly of six types, which are given below. 1. Simply supported beam: In this type of beam supports act at the end of beam. 2. Cantilever beam: In the cantilever meam one end fixed and other end is free. 3. Overhanging beam: If the end portion of the beam is extended beyound the support such as a beam is known as overhanging beam. 4. Contineous beam: In this type of beam more than two supports act. Contineous beam is a longer beam. 5. Fixed beam: In this type of beam both ends are fixed. 6. Propped cantilever beam: In this type of beam one end fixed and other end roller support. It is used in bridges.

What is Columns? Types of Columns? How to provide reinforcements of columns?

Column: Column is a vertical member of a structure, which is support the structure, load transfered by the hole through the beams. After that column transfers the load to the footing and footing further transfer it to the soil. Columns are classified into four categories on the basis of shape, slenderness, reinforcement, loading.  1. Based on the shape: 2. Based on the slenderness ratio: 3. Based on the reinforcement: 4. Based on the loading:

What is slab? Types of slab? How to provide reinforcements slab? How to provide of casting slab?

Slab: Slab is constructed to provide flat surface usually horizontal in building floor, roofs, bridges, and other types of structures.  The slab may be supported by walls, by reinforced concrete beams usually cost monolithically with the slab, by structural steel beams, by columns or by ground. There are 16 diffirent types of slab in construction. Some of them are outdeted and many of them are frequently used every where Types of slab: 1. Flat slab: The flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete columns or caps.Flat slab does not have beam so it is also called beamless slab. Thickness of flat slab is minimum 200 mm or 8".At the top provide plain celling surface giving better deffusion of lite.This types of slab are provided in parking. Thickness of flat slab is minimum 200 mm or 8".At the top provide plain celling surface giving better deffusion of lite.This types of slab are provided in parking.

How to workability test of concrete by slump cone? What is true slump?What is zero slump? What is shear slump? What is Slump cone test?

Slump cone test: This test is performed to determine the workability of fresh concrete.  Appratus: In this test we take a mould of cone shape which top dia is 100mm and bottom dia is 200mm and height is 3000mm. For the compaction of concrete we take a tamping rod of 16mm dia and 600mm length. Procedure of slump cone test: Clean the internal surface of the mould. Fill the mould with concrete in four uniformly layers. Tamp each layer with 25 strocks to the tamping rod. Distribute the strocks uniformly over the entire cross sections of the mould. The rod should be penetrate every underlaying layer. Strike off excess concrete after the top layer with trowel. Remove the mould slowly and vertically. The concrete will slump or slide. Measure the height of slump in mm. Now, take a sample from ready mixed pland and experment proced acording to above procedure and compare its slump value with following conditions which are given below. Find the workability of concrete by the slump value: 1. W

What is concrete?

Concrete: Concrete is a specific mixture of binder, aggregates, water and admixture, which is used to builtup of a building structure.  Concrete=Binding material +Fine aggregates +Coarse aggregates +water+Admixture Types of concrete : Concrete is divided in to three major categories on the basis of use and there properties which are on the basis of binding material, on the basis of proportion and bulk density. We will explain it following.  I. On the basis of binding material: 1. Cement concrete 2. Lime concrete 3. Mud concrete II. On the basis of proportion: III. On the basis of place of cast. 1. In situ concrete 2. Precast concrete  IV On the basis of bulk density : Manufacturing process of concrete: 1. Baching: In this stape find the weight of raw content which are going for mixing.For construction of small scale raw content weight by volume. For large scale construction raw content weight by weight wise 2. Mixing: Mixing process performed by hand mixing, machine mixing and RMC pla

What is conventional formwork system? What is procedure to use?

Formwork: Formwork is dye or mould used to shape wet concrete until it sets and attains sufficient strength to carry its own weight and retains its shape.There are various types shuttering material used for construction work. 1. Conventional formwork system 2. Mivan formwork system. 1. Conventional formwork system: Terminology used in conventional formwork system- 1. Formwork(shuttering) : Mould to contain the wet concrete in the desired shape. 2. False work(staging or centering ): Temporary structure use to support a permanent structure during erection and until it becomes self supporting. 3. Scaffolding(Paranja): Light structure 'Framework' for easy excess of workmen. 4. Striking(Stripping): scientific dismentling and removing formwork. 5. Sheeting(Sheathing): Supporting membrane in contact with the wet concrete. 6. Joist(Batten ): Horizontal member supporting sheeting (slab and beam). 7. Bearer(Runner ): Horizontal member supporting joista. 8. Pro

What is RCC? What is procedure of RCC? Types of steel bar?

RCC:  RCC stands for reinforced cement concrete, that means which type of concrete in which steel is persent. RCC is a concrete with reinforcement embeded in it. The embedded reinforcement makes it capable of resisting tension also. Steel bars embedded in the tension zone of concrete relives concrete of any tension and takes all tension without separating from concrete. The bond between steel and shrounding concrete ensures strains compatibility i e, the strain at any point in the steel is equal to that in the adjoining concrete. Reiforcing steel impacts ductility to concrete which is otherwise brittle material.Here ductility means large deflection owing to yielding of steel thereby giving ample warning of impendings collaps. Tensile strength in concrete asise on account of deirect tension, flexural tension, diagonal tension due to temperature and shrinkage efects, restraint to deformation.Under those conditions reinforcement must be provided across potential tensile crack. Grade of re

What is concrete cube? How to test compressive strength of concrete by cube test?

Cube Test: In this test chque a compressive strength of concrete. Take a cube mould which dimentions are 150 mm×150 mm×150 mm (l×b×h) symultenouly. Also used a tamping rod of 16mm dia.Before the filling of cube mould apply the oil in the internal surface prolerly by which mould open eayly and surface be come smooth.On the cube writedown the casting date, grid number, footings, columns, beams, or slab. After 12 hours remove from mould and sink in quring pond. Generly we are cast 6 cubes, 3 cubes test after 7 days and 3 cubes test at 28 days. If you can test at 14 days then need to be cast of 9 cubes. In each test take 3 cubes and consider avrage value of all 3rd.After 7 days concrete cubes dry prolerly in the persence of sun. Weight the cube one by one and writedown. The each weight of concrete cube not less than 8.1 kg. How we proove that the weight of concrete cube should not be less than 8.1 kg. Given dimentions of cube are length =150mm=0.15m, width=150mm=0.15m, depth=150mm=0.15m, s

Civil Engineering Basic Questions?

Q.1   What is the height of building floor? Ans . The height of building floor must be 3m . Q. 2   What is the initial setting time of cement? Ans . The initial setting time of cement is 30 minutes . Q. 3 What is the final setting time of the cement? Ans. Final setting time of cement is 10 hours or 600 minutes. Q. 4 What is the compressive strength of first class brick? Ans . Compressive strength of first class brick is 105 N/cm2. Q. 5 What is the compressive strength of second class brick? Ans . Compressive strength of second class brick is 70 N/cm2.  Q. 6 What is the compressive strength of third class brick? Ans . Compressive strength of third class brick is 50 N/cm2. Q.7 What is the compressive strength of Burnt brick? Ans . Compressive strength of burnt brick is 125 N/cm2. Q. 8 What is the name of compression testing machine? Ans . Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Q. 9 Why we use pile foundation? Ans . Pile foundation is adopted when the soil bearing capaci

What is Mivan formwork /aluminium formwork system ?

Mivan formwork system/Aluminium form work system: Mivan system/Aluminium form work system is a revolutionary form work system which has been successfuly used and developed, for forming cast in place reinforced concrete building structures.   Using this unique system, all wall, floor, slabs, beams, columns, balconies, togather with door and window, openings, are cast in place in a single site based operation. The resulting building structure is very strong accurate in dimentions and tolarences, with a high quality of finish concrete surface and yet at the same time the Mivan formwork system is fast, adaptable and very cost effective. Characteristics of the Mivan system are that it makes use of concrete as the principal building material for the prime reason of cost and accessibility. Cement, sand and stone are readily available in most countries.  Concrete also bring a additional benefits in terms of it's build quality, strength, it's resistance to earthquake tremors. It's